

Emerlad出版集团/Journal of Industry–University Collaboration《产学研动态季刊》征稿

发布时间:2019-02-15 00:00   作者:   来源:武汉大学中国产学研合作问题研究中心



为了更好地推动产学研领域的国际学术交流与合作,探索产学研合作的新思路、新模式,推进创新型国家的建设,武汉大学中国产学研合作问题研究中心与国际知名出版社爱墨瑞德出版集团(EMERALD PUBLISHING LIMITED)开展国际合作,共同推出英文学术期刊《Journal of Industry–University Collaboration》(产学研动态季刊)。














《Journal of Industry–University Collaboration》为季刊,每年四期。欢迎长期赐稿!

Emerald Publishing/Journal of Industry – University Collaboration

Callfor papers

Journal of Industry – University Collaboration (JIUC) is an international journal that publishes research in the field of cooperation and innovation between industry and university.JIUCis published by Emerald Publishing on behalf of the Research Center for China Industry-University-Research Institute Collaboration at Wuhan University.

Aims & scope

The aim of the journal is to publish research for an international audience in the field of cooperation and innovation between industry and university. The topics include but are not limited to:

• Mechanism and policy of innovation in industry and university cooperation

• Technological innovation management and business mode innovation

• Innovation mode, mechanism and method of universities and research institutes

• Technological innovation systems, trends and policies in various countries (regions)

• Development and management of scientific and technological innovation talents

• The entrepreneurship ecosystem of the university

• The entrepreneurship ecosystem of the university

• Others

Guidelines ( No Publication Fee)


JIUC will publish 4 issues per annum

Peer review

JIUC operates a double blind peer review model. All articles undergo an initial assessment by the journal editor. If they are considered suitable for peer review, articles will then be reviewed by a minimum of two external reviewers to assess its suitability for publication. Final responsibility for editorial decisions rest with the journal editor.For more details about Emerald’s approach to publication ethics, please refer to the company guidelines.

Open access

All articles published in JIUC are published Open Access under a CCBY 4.0 licence. For further information on licencing please see the author guidelines.



武汉大学中国产学研合作问题研究中心 版权所有
地址:武汉市武昌区珞珈山武汉大学经济与管理学院A505 邮编:430072 电话:027-68753010 传真:027-68753010 EMAIL:iurchina@whu.edu.cn
Copyright 2009 Research Center for China Industry-University-Research Institute Collaboration of Wuhan University